Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Tuesday, January 28

Tell me about your All About Me site. What are going to be your 4 main content pages? Why did you choose those topics? What big plans do you have for your site that is going to make it different and creative?

My All About Me site is coming along. It took me a while to decide on colors and other format stuff. I have decided that my four main content pages are my friends, family, favorites, and activities. I chose this topic because I thought that they would give people a good idea of who I am. I am not very creative, so I am still coming up with an idea that will make it different than the others.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Monday, January 27

What are your thoughts on HTML code? Did you enjoy the coding activity? Do you feel like you learned anything? Explain yourself.

I thought that HTML was confusing. It requires a lot of detail and attention because if you mess one thing up then you have messed up the code and you are not going to get the results that you want. The coding activity was something that I had never done, but it helped that the directions on the worksheet were clear. I think I learned a lot considering I knew nothing about coding before this class.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Tuesday, January 21

Tell me about your three day weekend. How was it? What did you do? Elaborate!

I really didn't do much during my three day weekend. My sisters and I had an indoor soccer tournament so a lot of our weekend revolved around that. Besides that I watched some TV and movies, including Fun with Dick and Jane. On Sunday it was beautiful outside, so my family and I went to the park and tried to play tennis (we are pretty awful); regardless, it was still fun and at least entertaining to watch. After that on Sunday we watched the two football games, which both ended up being pretty exciting. Then reality set in on Monday that I had school the next day so that is when I did most of my homework.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Wednesday, January 15

Tell me if you agree with this statement and then explain why or why not. "Images on the internet are 'free game' - if someone posted it, I should be able to use it.

I don't know if "images on the internet are 'free game.'" I would guess that there could be potential copy right or plagiarism issues going on. I know sometimes on Google there will be a logo or symbol in the middle of the picture unless you pay for it or have an account on a certain website that the image is found.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Monday, January 13

What do you know about plagiarism? What do you know about plagiarism on the internet? How do web design, the internet and plagiarism all effect each other? Explain.

 I think plagiarism is when someone copies the work of another without giving credit to that person. I know that are serious consequences if you plagiarize. It is easier to plagiarize in today's world with all of the resources we have readily available to us. The Internet and all of the different websites make it easier for us to plagiarize. With all of these resources, there are also programs and websites set up to catch if you are copying another person's work. For example, I have to submit my history homework to turnitin.com, which is a website where teachers can grade assignments and also check for plagiarism.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Friday, January 10

What do you already know about web design? How it works? Programs you can use? Tools that exist? Anything.

I really don't know much about web design at all. There are HTML codes involved that we can use to help us. There are also multiple browsers that we can use including Safari, Internet Explorer, and Google Chrome. Once in middle school we made a website; unfortunately, I don't remember how to do it or the program we used.